2012年11月29日 星期四


羅伯接受了網站 20min
ROB幫我們整理了他之後的行程喔!(太棒了不用整理 笑)

How do you like the "Twilight" showdown?Robert Pattinson: When I read the screenplay, I was quite shocked. The ending with all the fighting is more "Twilight" atypical. It will be interesting.


Have you been interested in vampires before?I'm not really a vampire fan, but of course I have nothing against them. Before the first film, I researched a lot, but quickly noticed how few similarities between "Twilight" and other vampires exist. Stephenie Meyer has developed in the novel, her own personal ideas.


How has "Twilight" impacted your life?Before the movies I did not want to necessarily be an actor, but suddenly I was famous and was recognized everywhere. After this success, I couldn't take any other profession, otherwise people would have asked me what am I doing there for a job. "Twilight" has opened many doors for me and meant that I look at my own life differently now.


The fans are looking forward to the culmination of the vampire saga, but also sad that it is ending. How are you feeling?I feel the same. But now I'm curious to see how my life without "Twilight" will continue. Up to now on any other film project returned to "Twilight". I'm curious what my future brings.

That sounds mysterious. Can you tell us where you will you see next?I'm committed the next year to about ten films. Among them are "The Rover" with Guy Pearce. Then I'll proceed with "Hold On To Me," in which Carey Mulligan plays a femme fatale. Also, I'm going to be in "Queen of the Dessert" with Naomi Watts and Jude Law and then I play in "Maps of the Stars", another of David Cronenberg's movies


我明年大概要拍十部電影,有跟Guy Pearce合作的"The Rover",接著是"Hold On To Me“,Carey Mulligan飾演一位蛇蠍心腸的婦人,還有,我會跟Naomi Watts&Jude Law合作"Queen of the Dessert",之後跟David Cronenberg合作"Maps of the Stars"。




其中 Hold On To Me 映期尚未確定,其他三部都是預訂2013年上映。
另外,還有一部 《任務:黑名單》Mission:Black List 雖然很早就確定要拍了,不過DELAY中~

1 則留言:

  1. 期待~
