2012年9月22日 星期六

Kellan 受訪透露《破曉2》將有隱藏片尾!

早上太大意,沒看到 Kellan 這次活動的重點...

Kellan 說:「我想大家都會很喜愛,導演比爾甚至告訴我,等到工作人員表播放結束—會有非常特別的事情發生!每部電影都是建構再建構,比爾對於結局有許多很棒的想法,他加入了一些書裡沒有寫到的部分,增添了更多故事性。」

“They’re gonna love it, and Bill [Bill Condon, the director] even told me that, stay for the credits — there’s a really special thing happening.Every film’s been building and building, and Bill Condon really had a great idea with ending the series with Breaking Dawn 2, and just adding a little more flavor to parts of the book that weren’t there, but he elaborated more on,” he says. “I think the fans are really going to enjoy it.


