2012年5月17日 星期四

ELLE 雜誌 6 月號封面人物 - 克莉絲汀史都華(含訪談)

這次 Kris 的 ELLE 寫真大玩變裝秀!!
中性的裝扮好適合本來就帥氣的她 >///<

On regretting her sheltered upbringing: “You can learn so much from bad things. I feel boring. I feel like, Why is everything so easy for me? I can’t wait for something crazy to fucking happen to me. Just life. I want someone to fuck me over! Do you know what I mean?”

大家都知道 Kris 是童星出身,因為太早加入演藝圈,整個人生都和一般人不一樣了,也被大家過度的保護著…



Kristen Stewart wears a beaded tulle dress from Ralph Lauren Collection, and a white gold bangle from Roberto Coin.
Kris 穿的是洋裝是 Ralph Lauren 當季新款,手環是 Roberto Coin 的

On the gold ring circling her index finger rumored to be from Robert Pattinson: “Everyone wants to know. Everyone knows already—it’s ridiculous.”


On her first memory of her mother Jules, a Hollywood script supervisor: “I would stay up and wait for her. I wasn’t even big enough to hug her yet. I would just run in and wrap myself around her leg. I loved going through her bag. There was such a particular smell. That’s a real sensory memory for me. I was always wondering, like, Where were you today? I know that’s why I’ve always been like, Wow! Movies!”

Q:關於母親 好萊塢電影劇本監督 Jules 最初的回憶—

On the intensity of her characters’ roles: “It’s one of the reasons I want to act. I love living in different worlds, because a lot of times mine is pretty nice and easy.”

(Kris 在婊自己嗎?lol)

On what it’s like to see herself on the screen: “Laurence Olivier was asked, ‘Actors, what’s the impulse? Why?’ And he was just like, ‘Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me….’ That was his answer. But at the same time it’s like, ‘Nooo, don’t look at me. Look at some version that I’m going to present to you. Let me control it.’ ”
「Laurence Olivier(已逝英國男演員)曾經被這樣問『演員,你有什麼幹勁呢?』他回答『看著我吧,看著我吧,看著我吧,就看著我吧…』那是他的答案。但我會回答『不,別看我,看我所詮釋的不同角色,讓我掌控那些角色。』」

