2012年7月2日 星期一

Tracey Heggins 談《破曉2》小趣聞

Tracey Heggins,在破曉 2 中飾演亞馬遜家族吸血鬼Senna辛娜受訪時提到一些拍攝時的小趣聞…

CB: The film’s director, Bill Condon, said it brought out a very paternal and motherly part of Rob and Kristen on set —aside from their swearing! Would you agree?
celebuzz:聽導演比爾康頓說, 在拍攝期間真的帶出了Rob和Kristen父性和母性的那面-除了他們會講髒話這點!妳同意嗎?

TH: Yes, Mackenzie had a swear dish, so each swear was per dollar. Some people said, “I’ll give you 20 dollars now before we even start working.” So, she whooped us all into shape with our dirty mouths.

答:是的, Mackenzie (小妮思演員)有個髒話錢筒,只要有人說髒話就要投一塊錢。有些人就跟她說「那我先給你二十塊好了。」所以她忍受了很多髒話。(哈哈)

CB: What was it like working with stars like Robert and Kristen?
問:和 Robert 及 Kristen 這樣的影星合作有什麼感想?

TH: It was good because they were both really down to earth. It’s very scary to go off on a set with huge names. I mean, when you are number one on IMDB, it’s a little intimidating. But they were just cool, and Kristen was like a tomboy and was so down to earth. Rob was the same way. He actually has this almost self-deprecating, ‘Oh, did I just say that?’ And I understand why he did that because it made everyone else feel so comfortable. So thank you, Robert!

CB: What was it like filming the last scene of the series? Were there any tears on set?

TH: Yes, especially when we went back to re-shoot. It was really like, ‘This is over now.’ That was really rough. You feel like a void when it’s all done. No matter how much is in the movie or not in the movie, we spent a lot of time together. Everyone from all the behind-the-scenes people and wardrobe, etc. make a set happen. I’ll be honest: we all got a little misty — even Rob and Kristen.

