2012年11月6日 星期二



Question: What feelings do you have now that it's closed?
Bill: Real challenge was making sure itw as a satisfying climax. The film opens with an overture with scenes from all five movies. I did this thing at the end that brings you back.
答:真正的考驗是要確保這是個令人滿意的結束, 第一集電影帶動了五部電影,要前後呼應這五部電影。

Question: The visualization of the vampire's powers... how did you bring those to the screen?

Bill: Bella's shield, something no one can seen nicetwilight , you had to bring that to the screen. It can't just all be something that gets adjusted. Taking Bella's power, I wanted to make it as subtle as possible. If you watch it, the first time it comes off her you see a bit of her shape. It feels like something that's part of her. I didn't want to do a Wizard of Oz bubble.. they all presented challenges.
Alex's power was the darkest power. Throughout, we tried to side with subtly.

Question: The cast has grown. How was it introducing the characters and giving them time to be absorbed by the audience?
Bill: This is the movie I had that chance. It was part of the casting process... realizing everyone had to pop in in a very short time. So by the time we got ot the field, we knew what they could do nicetwilight. I attribute it all to the gifts of the actors. They took it all so seriously and they all successfully managed to make their characters pop.

Question: You haven't directed all the films but you've seen all the films. Can you talk about the arc Bella goes through, and the performances you got from the characters - Bella more than any other goes through the most changes.

Bill: I worship at the alter of Kristen Stewart. Her arc was pretty - it wasn't that big arc across the first three movies. In Part 1 she fell in love with a guy she's going to marry. We made Part 1 and Part 2 as one movie. And it speaks to the achievement of Kristen Stewart.
It's an amazing arc that she has across this, and it's important to remember we shot it all at the same time. She'd go from filming as a badass warrior in the morning, and then emaciated in the afternoon (to film pregnancy)
she has this extraordinary energy. She's really so focused when she's in something. I was really worried when we looked at the schedule. It was this added challenge she got excited by. I think she was dying to play the vampire.

她有如此強大的精力,她做事情的時候非常專注, 我們的排程非常緊湊, 但因為如此她也特別興奮, 我認為她非常渴望演出吸血鬼。

Question: Fight sequences are challenging at best. In this film there's a major sequence. What challenges did you find in designing and choreographing these scenes?
Bill: That sequence.. the sequence we're not supposed to talk about.. was THE biggest challenge. Battle sequences are hard. Usually you get horses, big flags, and banners. You don't have any of that here. These people are impossible... the only way you can kill them is by pulling their heads off. Working with Jeff (choreographer) was amazing to 
the ballet of all that.
You do all the solid work on that scene, and then you get to editing. Our editors spent a lot of time on that scene. Even though we designed it a certain way, we created a whole new architecture in post.

Question: I noticed a duality in tone - this film seemed more self aware, more humor. How did you balance that?
Bill: In the first movie I put a clip in, Bride of Frankenstein. That was a model. It had great balance. Twilight is not the world of Batman. It's got a different tone. And Michael Sheen to me perfectly embodies that. There's something very enjoyable about him.
This is an epic action movie with vampires - some of them have to be funny. Because they're so strange.

答:在BD1我把"科學怪人新娘"片段剪入,就像你說的,它有著很棒的平衡。暮光之城不是超級英雄蝙蝠俠,這兩者調性不一樣,但Michael Sheen(厄洛)完美的結合兩者,我非常滿意。這是部史詩吸血鬼動作電影-有些角色必須有趣,因為他們真的很特別。

Question: There's so much lore in this series...
Bill: In Part 1, there's not one new vampire to be seen. I love that this came full circle. It came into this very full, original vampire movie. Especially with all the new vampire powers we get to see.. it's very very original.

(比爾導演說他最愛的電影是Francis Ford Coppola導演的"德古拉")

Question: Can you talk about the demands and differences of working in a big tent pole franchise like this?
Bill: When you're actually making it, it's the same experience as any other film. Around the edges of how you put a tent pole together... there is this awareness of.. and it was an interesting thing. First of all, the fan base. This seems to be the most interactive franchise. I remember the first thing I shot was in Brazil. We were in a mad dash and there were paparazzi pics online 20 minutes after they took their first shot. And fans noticed Bella's wedding band was missing, so we were able to fix that.

Bill: There's sometimes tension because you have to be loyal to the book. I've been very aware with this movie that you're making it for people who love it.

Question: What can you say about the change at the end of the film? What did Stephenie think?

Bill: Stephenie and Melissa cooked that scene up over dinner. She approved it, she was right there.

Question: Can you talk about... has these films affected your job offers?

Bill: I'm about to do a movie at the same scale as movies I've done before. It's just about looking for films that excite you.

Question: Can you talk about the CGI process for this movie? Like Renesmee

Bill: We had tons of special effect shots on BD2 and we just finished them a few days ago frankly. The biggest challenge was Renesmee. We had to show that she was growing very very fast. Every time we see her, she's growing. This was a process done on a few movies.. it was a real challenge because it's trying to image Mackenzie Foy, take what we know of her, and imagine her at these different ages. Very complicated stuff that we were, again, still working on a few days ago.The saving grace is that Renesmee nicetwilight is such a great creature.
答:BD2有一大堆特效,前幾天才告一段落。芮妮絲蜜是最大的挑戰,我們必須呈現出一天一天長大的感覺,目前也只有幾部電影有類似的作法。這很困難,因為我們必須用我們對 Mackenzie Foy 僅有的認識,來想像她在各個歲數的樣子。很複雜,前幾天我們還在進行。萬幸的是成果非常棒。

Question: How did the studio approach keeping this without bloating?

Bill: Summit is used to making smaller films, so they know how to do it. There are these additional expenses which are crazy. Like 'set containment' which cost millions of dollars.. to keep everything secret.This is a fantastical story but it's an intimate one too. It would've been betraying it to make it with 300 people behind the scenes every day.

Last question for Bill: The film had beautiful scenery and camera work. Talk about that.

Bill: This film goes around the wrold, and we did go around the world so we could have a bit of egypt, baton rogue, new orleans, etc. Then the field (at the end)... right from the start when I read it, there was an option to go back to the film used in previous movies. But I saw this white, expansive board.. and having the Cullens defenseless. 
答:電影到世界各地拍攝,所以有一些埃及的場景,路易斯安納州的baton rogue、紐奧爾良等等。最後一幕的拍攝地,可以用之前的電影已存的場景,但我看到一片白色的,很貴的景,然後庫倫家就在上面戰鬥了。

Question: Where was that shot?

Bill: A green screen in Baton Rogue (laughter)
答:在 Baton Rogue 的綠幕前(大笑)

