2012年11月14日 星期三

Seventeen 雜誌封面人物 - Ashley Greene(寫真+訪談)

想必今天有看報紙的人應該知道, Ashley 在這本雜誌的訪談中開了 Robsten 一槍...
還有談到破曉2最後一幕,演員們的尬舞 XD

On her famous Exes (Joe Jonas, Broadway Spider-Man’s Reeve Carney):
“I certainly have [been in love.] I can still love an ex as a person, regardless if the breakup was bad. I would never wish anything negative on them. It takes more energy to hate them than to wish them well.” 

談知名前男友(喬強納斯, 百老匯蜘蛛人演員Reeve Carney)


On filming of the final movie:
“We secretly coordinated a surprise dance-off during a scene! We were all in on it, but [the director] Bill Condon didn’t know. [All the vampires] were supposed to charge at each other and destroy each other, and instead we just started dancing! Everyone did it—the Cullen clan and probably 20 vampire extras! It was such an amazing way to end it all.”

On where she wants to be in five years:
Healthy and happy. Ideally my career will be extremely stable. I really don’t want to be here for a minute and then gone the next. In five years I wouldn’t be opposed to having a husband and thinking about kids. Okay, maybe 10 years for that! And I want to win an Oscar or an Emmy.

On the conflict between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson:
“Hopefully, it won’t taint it and people will still be able to enjoy the movie.”


此話一出,  Ashley 被罵慘了
一堆人跳出來叫她閉嘴, 還說她整形過頭減肥過頭怎樣怎樣的...

